Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is back in Iowa this week as U.S. Congress steps away from session briefly for Easter break.
During his week off, Grassley has been making his way around the state to meet with constituents, and one of his stops happened to be at Panorama High School yesterday morning. The Senator answered a variety of different questions from high school juniors and seniors for a little more than an hour, and he explains why he decided to stop in Panora.
“I try to work in a few high schools because I never get young people like this to come to my town meetings. Like before coming to Panora, I had an open town meeting in Audubon but there weren’t any young people there that asked questions. So, if I’m going to talk to speak to a cross-section of the population and the young people don’t come to me, I’ve got to go to them.”
As is customary with Grassley’s stops like the one yesterday, the Senator lets the audience set the agenda. But at the conclusion of his Q&A session, Grassley did try to get one specific point across to Panorama youth.
“I like to impress upon them that the United States is very unique in that you have a chance to participate in the political process and help make decisions, and you can do that a heck of a lot more than just by voting. And then I try impress upon them that they’ve got a chance to help rule or they’re going to be ruled, or help govern or they’re going to be governed.”
To hear more from Grassley as discusses a few items currently being talked about in Iowa and in Washington, tune-in to tomorrow’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County on K107 during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours.