RIPPEY BUILDINGAt last night’s meeting, the East Greene School Board accepted a bid from Lansing Brothers Construction for $111,000 to demolish the three-story Rippey school building.

Shawn DeMoss reported that Environmental Management Services had about 10% of the building left to dispose of the asbestos.

Superintendent Tim Christensen presented two options to the Board to either tear down 18-inches below the grade-level of the building or remove all the footings of the building and the Board chose the latter of the options.

Christensen also reported that they received a $21,000 grant from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Derelict Building program to help offset some of the cost of demolition.

He stated that at least 31% of the building materials from the demolition must be deferred from a landfill to receive at least $15,000 and in order to receive the full $21,000, about 80% of the materials can not be placed in a landfill.

Christensen said that the DNR must sign off on the finalized plans for demolition before the building can be torn down which he is hoping will start sometime in May.


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