1912351_677690768933109_902522793_nA charitable “plunge” is currently sweeping the nation, and numerous area departments are getting involved in the cause.

“Plunge for Landon” has taken off the past week in towns across America, with people plunging into cold water and challenging at least three others to do the same.  Plungers then pledge to donate certain amounts of money for each person they challenge who jumps within 24 hours.

In turn, these pledges go to the care of 5-month-old baby Landon Shaw of Tarkio, Missouri, who has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.

Adair Fire Chief Jorden Smith and his department took the plunge Sunday evening after being challenged by the Atlantic Fire Department.  He talks about why he wanted to get involved in this charitable cause despite having no affiliation with young Landon.

“It’s just a really good feeling, it is really neat.  I would do it again actually, I would.  Just being able to help somebody out like that, especially somebody that age and what they’re going through, that family… it’s (nice) to show them that everyone cares, even people they don’t know.” rescue_main

Shortly after Adair Fire & Rescue took the plunge, they challenged Stuart Fire & Rescue, who had 13 members take the plunge on Monday evening.  Stuart Rescue Paramedic Specialist Kelly Surber took part, and his comments about the experience echo those of Smith.

“It’s really a neat situation to be able to help somebody we don’t have any involvement with, and it was a great experience that Fire & Rescue were able to come together as a team to pull for this little boy that isn’t related to any of us.”

There is currently a Facebook page set up for people to post their pledges and challenge videos.  The page currently has more than 28,000 members despite being set up just a week ago.

Other area departments who have participated or have been challenged to do the “Plunge for Landon” are the Guthrie Center Fire Department, Menlo Fire & Rescue, Panora Fire & EMS and the Casey Fire Department.

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