11:59 am 911 medical call for Stuart Ambulance
12:27am 911 medical call for Panora and Guthrie Center ambulance
11:12 am 911 medical call for Stuart Ambulance
3:04 pm Cell 911 motorist needing assistance. Panora Police Department responded
5:49 pm 911 Medical at Panora Assisted Living
8:10 am 911 medical call for Stuart Ambulance
9:23 am Cell 911 for Carroll County. Transferred to Carroll Co SO
8:21 pm 911 call for Guthrie Center Police
9:26 pm Medical call in Stuart
10:35 pm 911 car / deer – no injuries
12:21 pm Cell 911 possible theft. Stuart Police Department investigated
1:24 pm 911 medical call for Panora Ambulance
1:58 pm Cell 911 medical call for Panora Ambulance
2:42 pm Fire call for Panora Fire Department
3:40 pm 911 fire call for Guthrie Center Fire Department
11:24am 911 medical call in Guthrie Center
3:51pm 911 medical call in Guthrie Center
11:13am 911 medical call in Stuart
3:35 am Cell 911 fire call for Bayard Fire Department