The City of Panora is one step closer to having a brand new Public Works facility in town.
City Administrator Lisa Grossman tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the Panora City Council has accepted a basic bid from Burkett Construction out of Winterset to be the building contractor for the new facility.
Burkett’s low bid of just under $419,000 was unanimously approved earlier this week. Grossman says the City originally estimated construction costs would range anywhere from $450,000 to $475,000.
The City has asked that Burkett consider using a standing seam metal panel for the roof of the Public Works facility instead of the standard pole barn roof the company had incorporated into its original bid. This could result in a slight change to the overall project cost.
Grossman says she expects construction of the new 8,400 square foot facility to begin in early April. She adds that it’s the City of Panora’s goal to see the Public Works project completed by July.