Guthrie Elem_SchoolGuthrie Center Elementary is partnering with the Guthrie Center Booster Club to put on a Family Fun Night event this Friday, and Principal Diane Flanery encourages all students and their parents to attend.

Flanery discusses why she considers Friday’s event to be important for her school’s families.

“A child’s education–it takes connection between home and school.  We just want another opportunity for parents to come in to the school and get to know other parents of kids, get to know the teachers in a different way.  We’re just looking forward to simply having a fun night where everybody is relaxed, there to have a good time and enjoy each other’s company.”

The festivities begin at 5:30 Friday evening, with a meal and mini carnival on-going simultaneously at Guthrie Center High School. A movie viewing of Despicable Me 2 will then conclude the event.

The meal portion of the evening is being orchestrated by the Booster Club, and Flanery discusses what their involvement in Family Fun Night means to her school and the community.

“I think there is a misconception the community has that the Booster Club is only for sports, but they do a lot beyond sports.  They help with the art department–the vocal, the speech, the bands… and it is really important for our community to understand that.  That’s really what we wanted to do, in conjunction with this night, is show that the Booster Club does a lot for the elementary.”

Flanery says the funds raised during Friday’s fun night will be used to purchase new playground equipment and new soccer nets for the elementary school.

Those planning to attend are reminded that all children must be accompanied by an adult.

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