relay for lifeAs we first reported yesterday, Guthrie County Hospital is hosting the kick-off meeting this evening for the county’s 2014 Relay for Life event. GCH Outreach Director Becky Secoy encourages any area residents interested in signing up a team for this year’s relay to attend.

Relay for Life, a branch of the American Cancer Society, is an organization that Secoy says provides tremendous benefits to cancer patients and survivors in the local area, and she gives us some national statistics to prove that point.

“Last year, patient navigators helped 89,000 patients understand their cancer diagnosis and get the help they needed.  16,500 cancer patients received round-trip rides to their doctor’s appointments or wherever they needed to go if they couldn’t drive there themselves.  One million people called in for help to the Relay for Life/American Cancer Society helpline–they called in with questions or for support.  And then, nearly 50,000 patients and/or caregivers saved more than $27 million in lodging costs, so (Relay for Life) also helps set patients and caregivers up with lodging if they have extended stays at hospitals.”

Secoy says she hopes statistics like these can convince a few more people to sign up teams for this year’s event.  24 teams participated last year and raised more than $61,000.

Tonight’s kick-off meeting begins at 5pm inside the hospital’s Sneakers Cafe.  If area residents are unable to attend, teams can be registered online by CLICKING HERE.


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