Jefferson Scranton School BoardThe Jefferson-Scranton School Board met last night in regular session.

During a district reading update, specialist Julie Neal reported to the Board that 32 students had signed up and started their new Title I intervention reading program to help get students to their reading level for their grade.  Neal said that they had six teachers and substitutes with their reading endorsement to help the students after school and will be sending home to parents monthly reports of how their child is doing in the program.

For the principal’s reports, middle school principal Shawn Zanders commended all the student-athletes and coaches during the winter sports season and how well they represented the school during competitions.  March 14th is when the middle school will hold its play at the high school auditorium.

The Board approved all fundraising requests for the National Honor Society, accelerated government and spanish classes and a request for the senior class.  They also approved a bid for Raccoon Lawn Care os $1,750 for the 1995 F-250 pickup truck with a snow blade and rejected all bids for the V-Box Spreader and will look into other options.

Chuck Wenthold reported to the Board that the student construction house is another month behind its timeline due to a subcontractor electrician’s unavailability to finish the electricity of the house and so he believes it won’t be completed until April.  He said the price point for the 1,370-square foot house is $190,000.

The spring track officials for home meets were also approved along with amending a board policy to change language from Iowa Test of Basic Skills to Iowa Assessment.


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