West Central Valley WildcatThe West Central Valley School District Board of Directors meet tonight for their February session.

Items on the agenda include a review of bids received for the sale of district vehicles and a special presentation from athletic director Tod Broman. Superintendent Dr. David Arnold says Broman would like to hire an athletic trainer for all home events to help increase player health and safety.

Much of tonight’s meeting though will focus on discussions pertaining to the district’s old athletic complex.  With the new complex now in use and grass growth projected to be complete on the new baseball and softball diamonds by the end of summer, Dr. Arnold is hoping the City of Stuart will take back maintenance responsibilities of the older facilities.

“It’s kind of our hope that if they take the land back that they would use it as intended–for the little league activities and those types of things because you’ve got football field, the baseball diamonds… those have good community use.  And I think (City Council) is going to be talking to some of the coaches and directors of the youth teams how (the old complex) can best be used.”

West Central Valley officials will meet with City Council again next month to further discuss plans for the old complex.

The School Board will also decide whether or not to extend the district’s driver’s education agreement with Street Smarts during tonight’s meeting.  Arnold says the program has been a good one for West Central Valley and he’d like to see it continue.

Finally, the Board will deliberate on whether or not to purchase a new school bus.  Arnold says the district is in need of a new bus at this time and there are funds available in the budget to make a purchase possible.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 7pm in the Dexter Elementary Library.

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