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The Perry City Council met in regular session last night.

At the meeting an amendment to clear up a math error on the professional services agreement for the Iowa Energy Bank lighting project was approved.

A public hearing was set for the March 3rd regular council meeting in regards to the fiscal year 2015 budget.  The proposed budget will result in a slight increase in the city’s tax levy, which City Administrator Butch Niebuhr says is no surprise due to the recent bond issuance to re-do the parking lot at the McCreary Community Center.  The levy will stay below the City’s record of $18 per thousand.

Next a $23,400 pay request to Keller Excavating for the 28th Street construction project was approved.

The council also approved a plan to deter turkey vultures from roosting in the City.  Perry police officers will kill at least two if the birds and hang them upside down near the problem area along Warford street.  They also plan to purchase several plastic dead turkey vultures and hang them as well in an effort to encourage the birds to leave.

Public hearings were then set for the second March meeting on the 17th to review plans, specifications ad bids for a 50 by 100 foot conventional hangar at the airport and the 2014 hot mix asphalt resurfacing project.

August Hohl and David Weiser were then appointed to the Perry Airport Commission, replacing John McNamara and Kathy Lenz.

Finally, the second and third reading of an ordinance amendment replacing a portion of the city’s wind energy ordinance in regards to commercial wind turbines on agricultural property in the city limits was were approved.

For more on last night’s meeting, tune into today’s Let’s Talk Dallas County when we speak with City Administrator Butch Niebuhr during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours on AM 1310 KDLS.

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