Panorama-Panthers-Picture1As part of American Heart Month, Panorama students in grades three through eight are encouraged to participate in “Hoops for the Heart” this coming Saturday at Panora’s Vets Auditorium with Guthrie County Hospital doctors and staff.

Event coordinator Michelle Benner feels “Hoops for the Heart” is important because it gives GCH the opportunity to instill in local youth the importance of adopting healthy living habits early on in their lives.

“They need to eat healthy, exercise on a daily basis and learn about the consequences (of unhealthy living) that could happen if you don’t take action while you’re young.”

“Hoops for the Heart” begins at 10am on Saturday and will run until noon.  Benner explains what Panorama youth can expect if they decide to participate.

“All of the doctors and staff will be there to shoot hoops with the kids and talk to them about some heart healthy choices they can make–instead of eating candy, maybe (eating) fruit and they’ll talk to (kids) about different exercises they can do.  It’s basically just an opportunity for the staff and the providers to reach out to local families to let them know that we’re here, and if they ever need help with anything, to contact one of our clinics.”

There is no cost to participate in “Hoops for the Heart” Saturday.  Anyone with questions can contact the GCH Family Medicine clinic in Panora at 641-755-4000.

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