Aside from the few inches of snow we received earlier this week in Guthrie County, we’ve mostly had a winter filled with below-zero temperatures and a lack of significant snow cover.
As a result of these factors, there is currently deep frost in the ground, and the LPA says that areas under its streets are frozen up to three feet deep. This deep frost signals an extended thaw period once temperatures climb, and the LPA says that extended thaw will most likely result in a lengthier road embargo on its streets. The LPA Maintenance Department embargoes streets every year because the roads’ sealcoat surface becomes saturated during the thaw, and the rock base of the roads is then not capable of supporting heavy loads.
This year’s road embargo at Lake Panorama is likely to be put in place in early March.
The LPA advises residents who are considering deliveries of construction materials, furniture or appliances, propane, or other items requiring vehicles over five tons in weight to make those delivery plans prior to the embargo going in effect.
Anyone with questions about the lake’s road embargo policies can contact the LPA Office at 641-755-2301.