39a323d5db51bb69dc698c448ebbda3fThe idea of a recreation and fitness center in Panora is starting to take shape, as different Guthrie County entities and organizations are beginning to voice official support.

A foundation has been formed and a 501(c)3 businesses status has been designated for the Panorama Community Health and Wellness Center (PCHWC) according to Board Member and project leader Bill Douglass.

The Board’s goal is to acquire Panora’s vacant Cargill egg plant sometime in mid-2014, and to then transform it into a state-of-the-art recreational facility featuring three courts for basketball, volleyball and soccer, an elevated walking track, mirrored rooms for aerobics and dance classes, and designated areas for weight and cardiovascular training plus golf and batting cages.

The estimated cost for acquisition, renovations and a first-year budget total just over $1 million according to the project’s website.

Douglass and other members of the PCHWC Board have been working in recent weeks to gather support for the project from various county organizations, and thus far they have received letters of support from the Panora City Council, Panora Chamber of Commerce and the Guthrie Center City Council.

Panora Chamber President Lou Guzman says he is especially supportive and excited about what a wellness center could do for Panora.

“(The project) is impressive. We’re thinking the kids would like it… Things are going along pretty good from what I hear.  They’re going for it and they’re gonna try and get this thing built.  So things are getting busy and it’s really exciting.”

Any local residents interested in viewing the wellness center’s lay-out, or if you have questions or would like to donate toward the cause, CLICK HERE.

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