A new event in Perry this spring aims to showcase downtown while giving vendors a chance to show off their collectables.
Perry Antique Days will take place Saturday May 3rd and 4th.
“It’s going to hopefully just be 20-30 vendors up and down 2nd Street from Willis to as far as we can go, setting up in the parking spaces as their stalls and hopefully into some of the vacant buildings to showcase some of those. Get these people to come into town, utilize our restaurants and other amenities as well just to showcase Perry and have a good time while perusing some antiques” says Wilson.
That’s Chamber of Commerce executive director Bob Wilson who is helping local resident Matt Leber organize the event. Hopes are that it will be an annual event that appeals to collectors from all over the state.
Anyone who would like more information or details on how they can be a vendor can email Leber at MMLeber@msn.com or call the Chamber at 465-4601.