MainStreetIowaWe heard from Main Street Iowa State Coordinator Michael Wagler earlier this week about what the Iowa Economic Development Authority looks for when selecting communities to become part of its Main Street program.

On its face, an application must show a commitment to economic development and a broad base of community support, but Wagler says there are some intangibles that are considered important as well, and he highlights passion in particular.

“When you break passion down, it really forms into the commitment and it forms into the idea that you’re in it for the long haul, you’re in it for reasons to better the community and not just on a one-track agenda.  (Passion) really defines a community and the character of a place to sustain it into the future.”

And for Wagler, passion doesn’t just help the community that would be impacted by the possibilities of Main Street Iowa.

“In the end, if the Iowa Economic Development Authority and Main Street Iowa can help a community find that passion, find that commitment and work for community betterment, it strengthens us all in the long run.”

Wagler adds that the IEDA has received five Main Street applications for consideration this year, and he anticipates that up to three will be selected.  However, those applications are not graded against each other.  Ultimately, Wagler says it will come down to whether the IEDA truly believes a community is “ready” for Main Street Iowa.

To hear our full conversation with Wagler about the Main Street program and Guthrie Center’s application, tune-in to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County during the 9am, noon and 5 o’clock hours on K107.

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