iaWildRoseLogoWhen Wild Rose Entertainment formally signed an agreement with Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation this week, it was for Wild Rose to give 5% of the revenue of the proposed casino to the non profit to distribute.

Chief Operating Officer for the West Des Moines company, Tom Timmons puts that into perspective that if the casino makes $30 million in revenue, than 5% of that would be $1.5 million given to the non profit operator, Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, to give to charitable causes and organizations.  The total amount that the county is expected to receive this year is a little over $90,000 to be given to the Greene County Community Foundation.

He further delves into the numbers and says that currently, it’s a state law that whatever the revenue is for a casino, 21% goes back to the State to disburse to other non-gaming counties while one-half of a percent goes to the host City and one-half of a percent goes to the host county for a total of 22%.

Additionally, another 5% that’s agreed upon by Wild Rose goes to the non-profit operator of the casino.

Timmons talks about his feelings about the partnership that the county has entered in with Wild Rose Entertainment.

“We’re just so excited to be a part of Greene County.  Like I’ve mentioned before, that’s kind of our niche, the smaller towns, the smaller casinos and this fits right in with our future of what we want to do and how we want to expand.”

The next step is for Wild Rose to submit the application to the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission by January 6th.


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