The 11th annual Jennifer Dowd Memorial Toy Drive is in full swing.
Newly purchased, unwrapped toy donations can be taken to Bunkers Dunkers Bakery in downtown Jefferson and all donations will be taken to the Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines.
Phyllis Bunkers says they also accept cash donations to purchase gift cards and will rarely turn down any gift. She points out that they will accept gifts all year round but that the cutoff to get a toy donated before Christmas is by December 14th.
She suggests some gift ideas for teenagers would be batteries for games and jewelry for girls.
Bunkers talks about a summer project they did to show their appreciation for what the Blank Hospital did for them when her daughter was alive.
“We did a project this summer which we did artwork for the new blood disorder and cancer center at Blank. So that was a big thing that we accomplished this year and we’re very proud of that and Jennifer would have been very proud of that.”
She would also like to thank everyone who has contributed to the toy drive over the years to make it such a huge success.
“Yes, it’s been incredible. We just can’t say thank you enough to the community and family and friends from outside the community that give. Blank truly appreciates that too.”
She says they usually take about two truck loads of toys to the Des Moines hospital every Christmas season.