art on the prairieThe fourth annual Art on the Prairie festival takes place in Perry this weekend and organizers say it has something for everyone.

Event co-founder Jenny Eklund says Art on the Prairie isn’t just for art experts, it’s for anyone looking to have a good time.

“My favorite story is little David Roberts, Trish and Brett Roberts’ son, he created some artwork last year and displayed it in the library and he sold both his paintings for like $25 each.  So you have that and then you go into the Hotel (Pattee) or the Carnegie (Library Museum) and you’re going to see art for $200, $300, $400 and into the thousands, and it’s all quality art.  So it’s young and old that attend the art show and that’s the way we like to keep it” says Eklund.

Co-founder Mary Rose Nichols says each year they bring back some of people’s favorite elements and add new things as well.

“We’ve add each year, new dimensions to it.  We added youth activities one year, we added the poets’ corner and this year we’ve added a couple of new things.  One is Whitespace which is the new gallery in the Citizen State Bank Building and the Iowa State University students will have their work displayed there” says Nichols.

Art on the Prairie will be set up in seven different downtown Perry buildings and features more than 100 Iowa artists.

It takes place Saturday from 10am-5pm and Sunday from 10-4pm.

For more information visit

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