The annual Jefferson Does silent basket auction begins tomorrow.

Event Chair Kathy Walker says this year, all the proceeds from the silent auction will go to the Greene County Adopt-A-Family.  She states that they’ve given the proceeds to other organizations in the past like Relay for Life, but this year, they wanted to keep the funds local.

She comments that they will have 50 baskets on display in the East Wing of the county courthouse in Jefferson starting tomorrow through Tuesday, November 26th.  Basket-types range from Bears to wine and cheese to car care products plus a whole lot more.

She talks about the opportunity to help out other organizations and groups in the county and how nice it is when people help to support that.

“We do love it.  And that’s one of our joys and one of our goals is to help people in the community so we really raise to the occasion when it comes.”

The winners will be announced at 6pm on Tuesday, November 26th.

Walker adds that you can still enter a basket for the auction by contacting her at M & M Appliques in Jefferson at 386-3945.


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