Greene Co. SupervisorsThe Greene County Board of Supervisors met yesterday in regular session.

Jefferson Matters: Main Street Program Director Alan Robinson spoke to the Board about their organization’s annual review with Iowa Main Street.

He said the review will be with three staff members from Iowa Main Street and will be in Jefferson for two days to see what the group is doing right and what they need to work on in the future.  He reported that since the program started, they’ve made $2,225,000 in building improvements in the downtown district and says one of their main focal points is keeping businesses in Jefferson but with younger ownership.

A concern citizen then brought up to the Board an engine braking policy within the county.  County Auditor Jane Heun said there wasn’t an ordinance within the county about engine braking but that all the community’s had their own ordinances.  The Supervisors were going to wait to hear back from County Engineer Wade Weiss about how other counties have handle the same problem in the past.

There were no public comments made during the public hearing about changing zoning by the Bauer Built location in Paton.  Attorney David Morain told the Board that there was four petitioned partials of land, two at the existing John Deere plant in Paton and two more to the north owned by Vaughn Bauer that needed to be changed from agricultural and commercial to industrial to align with the current zoning regulations.  The Supervisors approved the changes.

On the sheriff’s report of fees, Sheriff Haupert says that fees were down about $5,000 from last quarter and that they are currently collecting funds to get a new canine unit for Chief Deputy Jack Williams.

The Supervisors also approved the treasurer’s investment and driver’s license report for September.  The report shows a total of $4,614,678.27 were invested and a total of 285 driver’s licenses were issued.

The Board also approved all homes in the county for homestead and military credits.  The credits are to go through the auditor’s office not the supervisors and that it’s decided who gets what credits every 1st of July.

The County Board of Adjustments met following the Supervisors meeting.  That Board approved allowing manufacturing of metal and metal products be allowed as industrial zones to align with county zoning regulations.


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