jefferson welcomeThe City of Jefferson’s Streets/Sewer and Water/Sanitation committee met yesterday.

There were reviews for the upcoming city’s budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year.  The sewer department is requesting ultraviolet bulbs and ballasts for maintenance purposes to replace them as needed to better help disinfect the water from the city when it enters the Raccoon River.  The water department is requesting a new truck to replace an older model.  No other requests were made.

Police Chief Dave Morlan recommended to the committee that there needs to be an increase in fines for parking violations.  He reported that he’s had to deal with several more calls about recreational vehicles and trailers breaking the city’s parking ordinance.  The recommendation will be brought to the next City Council meeting.

There was a request about using the downtown city light poles for private business entities to put up promotional banners.  The committee decided to not allow that to happen and felt that the current policy that’s in place about using those poles to promote the City would be the only promotional items allowed.

The committee closed out the meeting looking at a yard waste dump site policy plan and a finalized version is currently being put together before any information is published.


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