perry logoThe Perry City Council will meet in regular session this evening.

Items on the agenda include three public hearings in regards to the disposal of public property, 2013 hot mix asphalt improvements and the McCreary Community Center parking lot rehabilitation project.

The Council will then accept bids for the parking lot project, approve the disposal of public property and consider a request to adjust excessive sewer fees.

Pay rest #1 for the 2013 sanitary sewer cleaning project is next on the agenda, followed by a resolution approving a contract with Solar FX for installation of solar panels at 915 Warford Street.

New business items include discussion on the city’s employee safety training and appreciation, approval of the acquisition of property for the 28th Street project and calling for bids to dispose of public property.

Ordinance amendments in regards to peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants, the public sale of food and beverages on city property and usage of bicycle paths adjacent to the roadway will then be considered.

The meeting takes place at 6pm in the Clarion Room of the Security Bank Building.

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