School board elections will be happening on September 10th and nomination forms are available now for area school districts.

Three of five seats on the Jefferson-Scranton School Board are available with Vice-President Mark Peters, David Ohrt and Teresa Hagen running for those positions for Jefferson-Scranton.

Two seats are up for election for the East Greene School Board with both President Marc Hoffman and Susan Burkett running again.

Jefferson-Scranton and East Greene Superintendent Tim Christensen says that this year’s election for both boards is unique because of next year’s reorganization.

“All those seats that are up for election right now are only one year seats.  As of July 1, 2014, the Greene County School Board will take over and the membership has already been set.  So anybody elected at this election would go off the Board unless they are already a member of the Greene County Board that’s already been set.”

Nomination papers can be picked up at the respective business offices with 46 signatures needed for Jefferson-Scranton and 11 signatures needed for East Greene to put your name on the September ballot.  The deadline to return nominations is by Thursday, August 1st.



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