The West Central Valley Board of Directors met for their monthly meeting Wednesday at the Dexter Elementary Library.
Items discussed were the resignations of two teachers, Julie Plowman and Cassandra Oberembt. The Board approved numerous new contracts for open coach and teacher positions also.
The Board was given a construction update and a tentative timeline for completion before the first Home Football game August 30th. The Board also approved the student handbooks for the 2013-14 school year. Tod Broman, Athletic Director, gave an update on sporting areas and the improvement in all categories.
The Board also approved their annual resolutions and appointed Symantha Crawford as Board Secretary and Treasurer.
Anthony Lohse, 6th to 8th grade Principal, discussed the changes to the Talented and Gifted program. Two overnight sports camps were also approved for the students.
A new auditing firm was hired to be in charge of the financial audit for the district before the board went into closed session.