At the meeting, County Attorney Mary Benton, brought up her need to hire part-time clerical help.
Benton stated that the need arose due to the fact that her case load has gotten a lot bigger and that all filing with the clerk’s office will be going electronic come mid August.
The Board asked Benton to find someone suitable for the position and then inform them for their approval.
The longevity raise for Brad Shirbourn was then approved as well as the Auditor’s and Sheriff’s Quarterly Report.
Dewayne McClellan, a local camper presented the issue of not enough electrical outlets at Nation’s Bridge for campers. He stated that he had discussed the issue with COnservation director Joe Hanner prior to approaching the board. The supervisors said they would discuss the issue with Hanner at Thursday’s meeting.
The Supervisors meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am at the Courthouse and the public is invited to attend.