The Perry Police Department reports very good numbers during its seat belt survey program.
Police Chief Dan Brickner says that there were two seat belt surveys conducted on March 13th and 18th. On March 13th Chief Brickner reports that of the 228 vehicles observed, 220 were wearing seat belts. Similar numbers were given for March 18th. There were 202 seat belt wearing occupants out of the 210 vehicles observed.
Chief Brickner reports that about 96% of vehicles were following seat belt laws. He points out its because of the cooperation of the citizens.
“The Perry Police Department has for years participated with the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau and worked hard to improve numbers in our community. I can tell you that when we first started this many years ago, seatbelt usage was well below 50% and as indicated here, we’re at 96%. I don’t know if you can get much better than that, I mean, we’re very pleased with our community members.”
Brickner points out the seat belt usage is a major factor in lowering injuries and deaths in traffic-related accidents.