As springtime in Iowa begins, Dallas County ISU Extension reminds you to get your soil tested for availability of nutrients for plants and gardens.
Aleta Cochran with the Dallas County ISU Extension says a soil test will give you a reading of where your soil fits in a pH scale. She states that the scale ranges from 0-14 with a reading of seven being neutral. She explains how the pH scale works.
“Any pH reading below seven is acidic and any pH above seven is alkaline. The optimum pH range for most flowers, vegetables and other horticulture crops is between 6.0 and 7.”
Cochran notes that plants may not do as well with a pH reading above a 7.5 because some essential nutrients aren’t present.
If you don’t know what your soil’s pH level, then stop by the Dallas County Extension Office to pick up a free soil testing kit. Once you’ve captured a sample, then just mail it to Iowa State University and the results will be mailed back to you and to the extension office. Contact the extension office at 515-993-4281 for more information.