Dozens of Greene County residents participated in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day last weekend.

Sheriff Tom Heater says a total of 48 pounds of medications were collected, along with four pounds of needles.  Heater says some residents dropped off just one prescription bottle, while others came in with bags filled with medications, lotions, ointments and creams.

The Greene County law enforcement center was just one of many drug drop off locations throughout the area Saturday.  Heater says the sites are considered “free zones” where there are no questions asked about any of the items turned in for disposal.

Items collected will then be picked up by the Drug Enforcement Administration and incinerated to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands.

If you missed the drug take back day, some local pharmacies – such as the Jefferson Hy-Vee Drug Store, accepts unused pills but most will not take controlled narcotic substances.

Other destruction techniques include mixing drugs in with used coffee filters or kitty litter to make them unappealing to children and pets and then disposing of them in your trash.  Needles may be placed into a hard plastic container, such as a laundry soap bottle, then taped shut, labeled Sharps and discarded into the trash.

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