Greene County Medical Center
Greene County Medical Center

For the next few days, the overnight low temperatures are expected to be in the mid to lower teens and possibly reaching as low as the single digits. When that happens, people need to be reminded of how to stay warm when they are outside.

Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf offers some ways for people to stay warm when temperatures get below freezing.

“You need to keep your head covered. And that does not count hair, that is covering your head because that’s the largest surface area of your body and that’s where you will lose most of your body heat. Have a scarf over your face or a covering over your mouth and nose so that you have warm air coming in when you’re breathing.”

She also recommends dressing in layers so that if you get sweaty while being outside, you can take a layer off to cool down. Wolf points out if your clothes are damp from you being sweaty, once you get inside, she urges you to put on dry clothes so your body stays warm and you can keep yourself from getting sick.