
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

Technology upgrades were discussed with Guthrie Center Communications Technology Development Director Curt Thornberry. He talked about quotes he’s received for upgrading 40 computers in the county over the next two years as technical support for Windows 7 software ends in January of 2020. The Board directed Thornberry to bring copies of the quotes and his formal recommendation to the next Supervisors meeting. The Board also approved increasing the fiber optic capacity at the public health, environmental health, and emergency management offices for an increase from $100 to $150 per month. Thornberry also discussed how he is meeting with all the county department heads to assess needs for a new county website, and how emergency management’s request for a new phone system factors into the county’s three year plan.

Public Health Director Jotham Arber informed the Supervisors of a flu vaccine clinic public health is hosting at the courthouse Wednesday for county employees and the public. He also showed the Supervisors a t-shirt his wife designed that says “Guthrie County – Growing Bright Futures” which he plans on selling to raise funds for the county’s Babies Nest program.