Dallas Co Supervisors 1-9

The Dallas County Secondary Roads Department will be working on another complete repaving project of a county road this summer, and they recently awarded a bid for the work to a brand new company.

County Road F25 will be going through pavement reconstruction as part of the County’s five-year construction program. Commonly known as Yale Road, F25 runs from P46 to the Guthrie County line, covering about three miles. The County received six bids for the work, with the lowest being $2,531,914 from InRoads, LLC, a company in Des Moines who is in their first season since splitting from Manatt’s, Inc. Though the contractor is a new one, Assistant Dallas County Engineer Andy Case said they’re very familiar and comfortable with them. The original engineer’s estimate for the project was $2.9 million, so they were also pleased the winning bid was considerably under that figure.

The Board of Supervisors approved awarding the contract to InRoads, and construction should begin by July at the latest. Case says they estimate the project to take around two months, depending on weather.