GCC-WinterThe Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular budgeting session Thursday.

The Board awarded the lease to the county farm to Mike Thomas, who offered the high bid of $272.5 per acres for 216 acres, for a total of $58,860. Board members spoke with Thomas prior to Thursday’s meeting to ensure the terms of the lease were properly disclosed and clear. These terms include: standard annual crop reports, general maintenance and upkeep, and proper pasture usage. The Board also approved an easement for the farm as presented by County Attorney Mary Benton.

At the beginning of the meeting Benton presented her 2019 fiscal year budget to the Board. Benton and the Board discussed technology changes, communication equipment, and staffing. Benton would like to hire more part-time help due to increased caseloads over the last four years. The meeting concluded with a review of the of the second quarter budget from the 2017-2018 fiscal year.