StuartDes Moines’ Faller, Kincheloe & Co. released an audit report Wednesday on the City of Stuart

Receipts totaled $5,849,118 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, which is a 12% decrease from the prior year.  The receipts included: $737,131 in property and other city tax, $1,129,060 from tax increment financing, $802,893 from charges for service, $273,860 from operating grants, contributions and restricted interest, $167,144 from capital grants, contributions and restricted interest, $158,242 from local option sales tax, $87,331 from hotel/motel tax, $3,203 from unrestricted investment earnings, $2,131,482 from bond proceeds, and $358,772 from other general receipts.

Disbursements for the year totaled $7,826,725, a 60% increase from the prior year. The disbursements included: $3,064,348 for capital projects, $2,504,908 for debt service and $605,043 for public safety.  Also, disbursements for business type activities totaled $312,056.

 You can find the full report by contacting the City Clerk or State Auditor’s office. A copy of the full report, including utilities informaiton is also attached below:

City of Stuart Financial Audit-6-30-17