
We’re getting closer and closer to Election Day, so we’d like to introduce you to two more candidates for the at-large seat on the Perry City Council: Vicki Klein and Ron Leber.

Klein is a Perry native and worked in the Dallas County Auditor’s Office for 23 years. She decided to run for council with the encouragement of friends, and decided she had the time and energy needed to serve the public. While she doesn’t have a specific agenda, Klein does know the direction she’d like to take the City. “I want to see Perry move forward in growth, beautification, and unity to make the community better. This will be a new learning experience for me that I’m looking forward to.”

Leber is also a native of Perry, and after a lengthy stint in the military he decided to return. He decided to run for the open at-large seat because he felt the citizens had become complacent with the city government, and wants to create a more proactive council. While there are several issues he’d like to address if elected, Leber believes the roads and downtown will be a focus. “I definitely would like to see the renovation of the downtown area and repair of our infrastructure, our roads in the City. Which of course requires funding, and we should’ve approached some type of grants and stuff so we could get that done.”

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th. To learn more about the candidates for the Perry City Council, listen to the “Meet the Candidates of Dallas County” forum tonight at 6 p.m. The program can also be found on demand at until Tuesday.