Around 25 Dutch oven chefs and their families gathered in Springbrook State Park  Saturday for the inaugural Dutch Oven Contest and Potluck.

Dozens of smoked, grilled, and baked dishes lined the tables.  Among the entries were ribs, pork, macaroni and cheese, and apple desserts.

Attendees voted for their favorite meat and side dishes, as well as dessert.

The event was part of the park’s Family Fun Weekend.  The full day of events included: kayaking, crafts, and demonstrations on GPS tracking and ancient hunting tools and techniques.

While the contest was not originally planned for the weekend’s festivities, the park staff hopes to make this an annual tradition.

Family Fun Weekend was one of several events on the park’s Summer Program schedule.  The series continues with a historical hike on Saturday August 26th at 10 A.M.  The Summer Program wraps up with an informational session on monarch butterflies, also at 10 A.M.  Both programs will begin at the campground gazebo.