Noah ExlineA Jefferson teen pled not guilty in Greene County District Court Monday to charges of sexually abusing his sister.

According to court documents, 19-year-old Noah Exline submitted a written not guilty plea to seven Class B Felony charges for second degree sexual abuse.  Court documents show the 12-year-old victim gave an interview with Project Harmony and the Greene County Sheriff’s office stating that Noah sexually abused her seven times from July of 2014 through June of 2016.

The victim was also one of the individuals who died in a house fire in Guthrie Center on May 15th. Greene County Attorney Nick Martino tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the sex abuse case has become more difficult, but not impossible since the victim died. In his 41 years as county attorney, Martino says this case has been one of the more unique ones where the victim died in a fire. Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams says the only piece of evidence they have from the victim is her initial interview with Project Harmony and with the Sheriff’s office on March 30th.

Williams says he is assisting the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation and the State Fire Marshal’s office on the arson investigation in Guthrie Center. However, he points out the State Fire Marshal’s office is the leading the investigation and couldn’t comment on it at this time.

Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.