DSCN5300Crews are out in Greene County treating ice-covered roads early Monday morning.

The Greene County Secondary Roads Department sent their entire fleet out before 5am. The equipment includes 12 maintainers and 12 plow trucks. Crews are applying sand and salt to the hills and paved roads in the county and will then focus on treating the gravel roads. Officials say gravel roads will be more slick than the paved roads, due to them not having ice and snow removal materials applied to them as much as the paved roads have been treated in the past.

As for the City of Jefferson, Public Works Director Dave Morlan says crews have been out since 4am applying sand and salt to the roads. He asks residents to remove their vehicles from the streets so crews can apply their material as quickly as possible to get traction on the roads. He also suggests avoiding traveling on hills within the City.

Both Jefferson Public Works and Greene County Secondary Roads caution everyone not to travel until their respective crews have had a chance to apply material to the road to make them safer.

The National Weather Service in Des Moines has issued an ice storm warning for Greene County until midnight tonight.